Entering ValhallaFrom a dirty old couch deep within the bowels of London’s Wembley Arena, I watched the usual parade of familiar faces file into the Foo…Oct 7, 20216Oct 7, 20216
BonebrakeUpon returning home to my mother’s little house in Springfield, Virginia after Nirvana’s 1992 world tour, I followed my usual homecoming…Apr 22, 20216Apr 22, 20216
“Your writing has punch, David. Punch is power!”After all these years, this simple message, my first words of true validation as a fledgling writer, has never left me. It echoes in my…Jun 21, 202015Jun 21, 202015
“Well, that’s settled. Now fuck off.”Frozen in my living room chair, my stomach dropped like a lead weight as I stared down at my laptop screen in horror. Fingers trembling…Apr 29, 202023Apr 29, 202023
How about next Friday?Like smoke in a crowded saloon, these four words hung in the air for what seemed like an eternity, as my mind struggled to make sense of…Apr 7, 202010Apr 7, 202010
“Wanna play Ozzfest?”These were three words I thought I’d never live to hear. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was a lifelong, card carrying, die hard metal fan…Mar 30, 20205Mar 30, 20205
I hate fireworks, David!My sweet mother stood there scowling and covering her ears behind the patio door as the final squeaks and pops of my…Mar 30, 202015Mar 30, 202015